I want to filter Articles in Joomla to use them as ob posts.
But when JA displays them in a list it does not show any details like Title or thumbnail.
Is there a change to change it?
Hi mdzida
Go to Backend >> Components > JA Megafilter >> open the filter you're using and ensure that you move the 'Title' field from unused elements from left to the right side:
The next issue that I have is the layout and titles. How to I edit or get rid of the "Selected Filters" and "Shop By"?
What is more:
When I scroll down the page the top part of the filter moves down onto the posts, how to avoid it?
You can use this custom css rule to hide that text:
.ja-filter-wrapper .filter-content .block-subtitle { display: none;}
Ok. Will it remain after Joomla update? Which exactly CSS file should I edit by using this code
Not sure if the template you're using support a place to put custom css code or not. Normally, JoomlArt's templates supports 'custom.css' file in which you can put custom css code and this code will be safe when you update template or component.