HI, I have megafilter set up correctly as a menu item which shows 8 filter fields in a vertical position, however, I would like to show the same filter in a module in the horizontal position, but only show the first three fields, is this possible?
Filter module to display only certain fields
Hi greenlizzard
I can't access backend of your site with provided admin account.
To show only 3 filters in that module, I think you will need to create a new filter in JA Megafilter component and select the field you want to display in the filter.
Hi saguaros ,
sorry missed the uppercase in the password, it should be G.
I have created a new filter and added it to a hidden menu item, but I also want to show the filter with the 8 fields on the page, is there a way to do this?
greenlizzard As I can see on homepage that you show the filter module with 3 fields now, did you get it solved?
Hi Saguaros,
not really,
I created a new filter as you sugested with only the 3 fields.
But in order to show that filter I had to create a new menu item which is hidden, when you do a search and go to the page you only have the 3 search fields in the filter.
however, If you have a look at https://switchautos.co.uk/showroom#sort=position&sortdir=asc
this is the main page with the 8 items in the filter, which is the one I want to use when some one searches from the front page, which is why I mentioned about hiding some of the fields in a horizontal module to show on the home page only.
Hi greenlizzard
I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused of your question here, you want the filter bar on the showroom page: https://switchautos.co.uk/showroom#sort=position&sortdir=asc to show 3 fields only?
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Basically I want the same filter bar that is on the showroom page on the home page as well but only to show the first 3 items, so if someone searches from the home page, it shows the results on the showroom page.
The home page is just a megafilter module and the showroom page is the menu to the megafilter.
Hi greenlizzard
I disabled other fields in the list so it can show only 3 first fields on Showroom page, could you check?
HI saguaros,
i want all the fields to show on the showroom page but not on the home page.
So the showroom page was fine as it was,
but can I not have a module on the home page that is linked to the showroom page (i.e shows the filter menu for the showroom page) but only show the first 3 fields.
So the showroom page is fine to show all the fields but on the home page have a module that filter the showroom page but limit the fields to the first 3 fields
greenlizzard Sorry if I misunderstood your question, so you want all fields show on the homepage also?
no, only the first 3 fields to show on the home page, but all fields to show on the showroom page.
can we use a nth-child () selector or something to show only the first 3 fields
OK, I got it to work using
"dl div:nth-of-type(1n+4) {display: none;}"
greenlizzard Is it ok now?
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yes it is working as expected, I just need to adjust it for mobile devices