I would like this icon and user name in the bar to take me to the user dashboard not to change the avatar like it is right now
groundfeel Hi The Username you can not change for other users as it user own part same for the profile thumbnail. Click on them goes to user Profile pages that is normal and should be. You can check out the demo site its how it should be.
what i mean is that when clicking there it takes me to change profile picture not to user profile
i created other ticket for other issue but you can use that login to check the problem for this issue
thank you
groundfeel Hi Make sure you have Profile menu type for JomSocial as well. The login is not working for admin side. Submit the complete login details in Edit fields options for staff.
*your Ip is listed use the same username and pass when the trying to access the admin as i have added a private access for that folder
groundfeel Hi Open file "/html/mod_community_toolbar/default.php" in template "socialize". find the code http://prntscr.com/w90rm6
Change the links here to any page you want.
ok but what will be the name for the profile one?
groundfeel Its the username of the account. This code is in line 63
Ninja sorry but i dont understand you need to write it down so i ca see
i want that all users when clicking on that they will go to their own profiles
groundfeel Line 63 changed as suggested in last post to profile page
<a href="$link_address">Link</a>'
yes it is working now thank you