facing issue with twitter integration. It says "Failed get the Twitter request token." and not supporting.
Thanks, Nir
rich-hi-rich Hi, We've updated the twitter login. Please use this joms package. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AfGd56y0oyWsS6DN-0pApn0vK9kbN0Xf/view?usp=sharing
After installing the package, you need to update your callback url at Authentication settings on your Twitter App. To get new Callback Url, please open link
At twitter app
also let me know if we can put simple small icon instead of google sigin, facebook sigin text.
rich-hi-rich Hi The issue could be wrong twitter keys used in JomSocial. Kindly make sure your twitter application is published with correct permission for this site as here : documentation.jomsocial.com/wiki/Setting_up_Twitter_integration
it is as per setting only
rich-hi-rich Hi Can you fix the admin URL it redirect back to Homepage.
rich-hi-rich any timelines when I can get this fix.
Ninja my bad, I just changed the settings last night. Please check the provided site URL
rich-hi-rich Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet.
One more thing I want to know. I just need Fb,Linkedin,google,Twitter small icons instead of text coming to it.
Signin with facebook signin with google signin with linkedin
Ninja it is working
rich-hi-rich Hi Please check the submitted login in Edit fields options : Site admin account Its not working http://prntscr.com/wdzr0b
edited site details again. Please check now
rich-hi-rich Hi Still getting same error. but i noticed same issue on my test site, so i raised it dev team to check and fix it in the core.
Ninja My subscription will end soon , will i get this fix if ends also
Thanks, Let me know how to make those login buttons with simple image not full texts. I just want to remove those full text coming to it
rich-hi-rich Hi Open /components\com_community\templates\templates\jomsocial\layouts\facebook.button.php file Find this code and remove
In the same way open Google.button, linkedin.button file to customize the login buttons.
thanks for information
I did that but google and linkedin buttons is half shown.
rich-hi-rich Add this code at the end of template.css file and adjust the style as per needs
.btn-sign-with-linkedin,.btn-sign-with-google {padding:10px;}
Ninja thanks, this needs to be kept in jomsocial template.css or joomla template?
Ninja i applied to joomla template.css protostar but it didnot worked.
rich-hi-rich Hi I raised the issue to development team and i will update you once it fixed. In case your subscription end you can contact me pankaj@joomlart.com i will share the fix file for this bug.
Hello, how are you? I am also having this problem, I was able to configure twitter to log in to the home page, but it is not working for the "my twitter updates" plugin with the same keys. My subscription will also expire in a few days, I would like to know what to do.Ninja
Hi rich-hi-rich There is no code found in template.css if you add it it will work http://prntscr.com/whekbb Do not forget to clear Joomla site cache after apply changes.