When installing a Joomlart template, and then installing the Ja_acm 2.1.6 module, an error occurs in the file: /templates/ja_alpha/acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-5.php
There is a reference to a file that does not exist if a template other than ja_morgan is used:
Line 132:
jsfolder: "<?php echo JUri::base(true).'/templates/ja_morgan/js/html5lightbox/' ?>"
must be change by:
jsfolder: "<?php echo JUri::base(true).'/templates/template_name/js/html5lightbox/' ?>"
where template_name is the name of template used, for example: ja_alpha:
jsfolder: "<?php echo JUri::base(true).'/templates/ja_alpha/js/html5lightbox/' ?>"
I hope you can fix it for future versions of the module.