I've been using this template on two of my client's site and i must say i'm not impressed by the bad coding standards JA has done on this template. It makes for this template to be hard to customize when it doesn't have to be this way.
HTML 5 Lightbox free version WTF!?!?!?
WOW this a big screw-up in my book.... Having a library loaded for just one popup? What could've been done by Bootstrap modals just fine! And also it has F@& advertising in the popup? Are you kidding me? That advertising in the popup makes it totally useless!!! Who thought that would be a good idea?
SVG Bullets
For instance the SVG Bullets in the template are hard coded in the template! Please NEVER ever do that again. This kind of things can also be done with css which is way more easier to override. And if you do this? Then add a switch to turn it on or off. Would've been a simple setting in the JA ACM module for instance. Now i have turned the website into green and those bullets stay red because they are hard coded! How did that get through quality control?
Hard coded font-awesome 4 versions and 3 font icon libraries???
You supply the template with 3 different font-icon libraries in the template. Why in gods name is that good for? You could suffice with just Font-Awesome 5. Especially having FA4 and FA5 in it seems crazy to me. And if you want to get rid of the legacy FA4 and only use FA5 icons break in JA Masthead, Contacts page and so on... Would need to create overrides for all of those to fix the issues. There must be a better way to deal with this!
Hard coded styling in e.g.: JA ACM hero
And another problem i faced was for instance the JA ACM Hero in section 7 in homepage having bg-primary hard coded in the style-2.php file instead of using the color pallette options the template comes with which could've been assigned to the section 7 to do the same! But that is overrideable in a much easier way. Now i have to create my own overide of style-2 in acm hero override folder. Instead of just changing a pallette in the template settings. Or if that is not a good solutions, even an option in JA ACM to swith between the different bg-colors would be fine. Or a switch to turn background off.
I've seen more and more hard-coded stuff like this in your templates in recent years. What is up with that? Can we please do something about these bad coding habits? Templates are made to be overriden and T4 has a very powerful override system. So it would be nice of in the future you could make more use of it. And think about any hard coded thing if it could be variable instead of hard coded.
As a long-time Developer member (13 years!) i hope you take my feedback to heart and really do something with this. It will only make JA better product if we could stay away from these bad habits.
Kind regards,
Tom van der Laan