n Incline template, is it possible to unpublish custom_1 module position for mobile devices. say for resolution under 1100?
jcraft1 Hi You can use media query via custom.css example code
@media(max-width:1100px) {#s5_custom1_outer_wrap {display:none;}}
It will not display after 1100 px
Ninja Getting closer. I have S5 Tab show published to that position (custom_1). it still shows up and sits on top of top row1 modules now that custom_1 is gone.
jcraft1 Hi Can you share the page URL and screenshot how you want it ? I can not see Tabs module on the Homepage of website
See attached image. Tab show appears on top of other modules.
The clair receptionist logo should not show on top of that module
Fixed. Please close this thread! Thanks for the help
just a 411 in the future, go to your template and in the main menu > responsive layout > hide mobile divs > custom 1 and save.... added image for clarity