Can you tell me where to access extra fields configuration ? I see the fields in the article, they work, but they do not appear in the joomla extra fields options, it s just empty
schlogo Hi Please open the category > and set the Extra fields example : Portfolio Now all article under that category will have extra fields. http://prntscr.com/y339he http://prntscr.com/y33am6
schlogo but they do not appear in the joomla extra fields options,
These are not Joomla articles options its defined the core template files and not modify by Joomla.
I meant how to modify the extra fields, not the values of the fields
Tks for the answer.
Harcoded extra fields ? Why ? It looks bad to me. I've been using Joomlart since 2008, i never faced so many problems. Anyway, you can close this.
schlogo Hi This is not first time template has extra fields. there are many templates comes with own extra fields to add additional details in the articles with more accurate style and data.