Hi Its possible to use the JA Multilingual extension with the JA page builder? thanks
JA Builder is special template, you will need to create page by page for each language. You can use the Import/Export feature to clone page easier.
Can you please explain in detail? Is there another component to that effect? thanks
For example, when you edit a page, you can see option to Export that page to a file: http://prntscr.com/iv54qo
And then, when you edit page in other language, you can Import that file, it will load the same page and you can edit to suit your need.
thank you saguaros and how do I tell visitors that the site is available in other languages? through a menu? Does the gallery of icons have country flags?
You can follow step by step here to create a multilingual site: https://docs.joomla.org/J3.x:Setup_a_Multilingual_Site
The only difference here is the content of each page where you edit via Builder.