How can I make the shadow in masthead more transparent?
tobiasdarin Hi may I know which template you are using? There is different style used based on template
Ninja Sorry. i Use Educatsy. I also have the problem with about 8 other templates that I use.
tobiasdarin Hi It only use background color class bg-secondary You can change it from file "/html/mod_jamasthead/default.php" in template "ja_educatsy". Line 17 and add your own style color. Apply the color via custom css . Thats all
Ninja Hi
Is there a possibility that you give a code / instruction here? Unfortunately, CSS is not my world
tobiasdarin Hi Its same process as i shared here for css Since it also use similar way.
My request has been solved
tobiasdarin Glad to hear is fixed. Feel free to open a thread if there is any question in future.