I was wondering whether it is possible (and how to do so) to show a video instead of a banner on top of the guest homepage of JomSocial.
andrewwinkler Hi The frontpage does not support the video. You can edit the source php code to replace the image code and define your Video in it. File that contain frontpage login screen is located here: ROOT/components/com_community/templates/jomsocial/layouts/frontpage/guest.php You can copy it to: ROOT/templates/your-template/html/com_community/layouts/frontpage to make override in template.
I found the code to replace <div class="joms-landing__image" style="background:url(<?php echo $heroImage; ?>) no-repeat center center;"> </div> but what do I replace it with? I tried Youtube's embed code but that broke the homepage. Then I tried using the osembed or the allvideos plugins but neither method dissolved the code into the video.
<div class="joms-landing__image" style="background:url(<?php echo $heroImage; ?>) no-repeat center center;"> </div>
andrewwinkler Hi You can replace the above code with your iframe video code and it will appear on the place of image.
After deleting the override, the guest banner is being distorted, both on the frontend and the backend.
andrewwinkler Hi there is issue in the upload image via admin panel. Kindly replace the default image directly with same name.
Ninja Thanks. That did the trick.
andrewwinkler You are welcome!