I'm using ja megafilter joomshopping. And i want to rearrange product characteristics ( http://prntscr.com/105st6e , http://prntscr.com/105urns ). I want move and style them like this: https://testing.skodaparts.by (and screenshot: http://prntscr.com/105uqr4 ).
So i open file /plugins/jamegafilter/jshopping/layouts/default/product-item.php . And i found the code which print them to a page ( {@none}{.value|s}{/none} .
How can i get one characteristic? Not all of them in list (like it do now), but separate the. I want to move it different place, and/or style it.
Can you please, tell me how to get code of this one, for example: http://prntscr.com/105swnr ?
Thank you.