JA MegaFilter Joomshopping. In the Joomshopping configuration my price settings
Here - how it look on the site WITH using JA MegaFilter"
And this, how it look on the same site without JA MegaFilter:
How can i change format of price ? Thank you.
Hi alexler
You're right, let me forward to the dev team for further review on this.
Good day. Is there any news on this topic?
alexler Hi,
You can open file plugins\jamegafilter\jshopping\helper.php, change line 146 to this code
$jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig(); $item->frontend_price = number_format($price, $jshopConfig->decimal_count, $jshopConfig->decimal_symbol, $jshopConfig->thousand_separator) . ' <span class="currency">' . $currency . '</span>';
manhta I'm sorry, but this code doesn't work 🙁 Screen from helper.php: Joomshopping configuration you can see above.
I also tryed this code: $item->frontend_price = number_format($price, 0, '.', ' '); Nothing changed.
alexler Even if i change $price to 123 - it affect nothing 🙂. Looks like there is another instance that rewriting $price.
alexler Hi, As i check, the pricing format is showing correctly as Currency Configuration in backend now. To view new changes, please index filter again and clean browser cache.
Strange, but I indexed the filter and refreshed the page (ctrl+f5) last time. But now everything is working. Thank you so much! SOLVED! )