Installation is stuck on "updating theme" since Version 4.7.6. Please can you help me?
My Site: Joomla 3.9.23, PHP Version: 7.4.13 and Nginx 1.16.1
keimling Hi Your site has JomSocial 4.7.5 Kindly update it to new version one by one. Let me know if it stuck at the moment there is no installation process on your site.
keimling Hi,
You can use this package
Note: after upgrading, please correct your Amazone S3 storage configuration. Its issue throws error when installing.
Hello, the version installation of 4.7.6 and 4.7.7 works!
The installation of Verison 4.7.8 unfortunately not. It always hangs at the point "updating Theme"!?
LG Herbert
keimling Hi I checked and it installed normal. But on your server phar file is not loading that result loading of JomSocial on backend. I will check it with dev on this. If you can ask the hosting to allow phar files it may fix the loading issue.
Hello support, perfect! Now it worked great! Thank you 👍 LG Herbert