I tried to register to simulate user registration but I got an error about captcha, funny thing is, no captcha is showing. But it does show in the contact us form here: https://www.product-adviser.com/index.php/contact-us
Why doesn't it show in the registration form?
Are you referring to a component registration form?
Thanks Paul
I am not sure? But it's the default registration form, just like the one in the quick start here, https://www.product-adviser.com/proto/index.php/login?view=registration
I simply enabled user registration on the Global Configuration and then put the registration form on a menu link
Are you able to test with this page loading the default protostar template?
Cheers Paul
I don't know what's going on. It's on protostar and this is how it looks. Why is it displaying one of the usernames?? https://www.product-adviser.com/index.php/register/profile
For the 'Register' link to the tip top right, I simply went to Users->Registration Form
I'm still seeing the JB template on that link
Okay look now
I don't understand why the Captcha is not showing on the Registration form when it shows fine on the 'Contact' form.
I just wanted to check if the template override was causing a problem but as protostar isn't showing it either - it is a problem somewhere else
okay don't worry. Figured it out. The K2 needed the captcha keys and it had to be turned on
Yes I was just looking at the same screen as you 🙂
I'll mark this resolved