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Joomla 5.2.3 Compatibility for JA Templates, Bug Fixes, and More


thank you for the feedback. I just had a look at the link but didn't get any smarter.
Does anyone have an example of how to get the URL from a href?

    alex85de Could you share the URL of admin account of your site so I can replicate the issue?

      Your site seems to prevent JA Social Feed plugin from saving.

      Could you try to add identity as you wish in the plugin settings? Then let me know if it doesn't work, I will check for you.


        I have no idea what happened but after a restore of the page the saving is now working again. Strangely, nothing new was installed and all other plugins / components are the same.

        My config is also in there.

          1. Ja Social Feed needs the access to file plugins/system/jasocial_feed/adminj4.php to save settings, so please allow it on htaccess Maker
          2. To use crawler, you must have good knowledge about html and css selector.
          3. I've updated the plugin's configuration for you. Now it may successfully crawls content, but as i check, some parts of article are missing. That's because they are rendered by javascript and our plugin couldn't understand javascript at this time.


            A big THANK YOU for the help. Now works as desired.
            Here is the solution for all, if someone has the same problems.

            Should Akeeba Admin Tools be in use, an exception in the .htaccess maker is needed that JA Social Feed can save the profiles:

            And here is the solution to read the href value of the above example:

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