I have an issue with the Joomla session; follow me...
as already mentioned in previous posts, we based our new payment gateway, as per your suggestion on stripesca gateway.
In plugins\system\ja_payment\lib\vendor\omnipay\pagopabps\src\Gateway.php we have
public function purchase(array $param = array())
require_once \JPluginHelper::getLayoutPath('system', 'ja_payment', 'pagopabps');
Then the code of the plugins\system\ja_payment\tmpl\pagopabps.php that redirects to the Bank portal, very similar to plugins\system\ja_payment\tmpl\stripesca.php.
Then, after payment, the bank portal completed the payment procedure, post some data aboout the payment result to the following url
'success' => JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_dtregister&task=register.complete&Itemid=' . $Itemid, false),
Now checking the code of complete() function inside components\com_dtregister\controllers\register.php, I saw that it uses the Joomla Session previously stored to get some data and complete to record payment data in DTRegister. But unfortunatly, when it runs I saw that the following lines, returns "false", so then it fails registering the event payment data.
$session = JFactory::getSession();
$joomartpay = $session->get('joomartpay', false);
As I didn't modified the complete() code I don't understand why it fails get the Session data and how I could solve it.
Please, could you give me any suggestion or let me know where we are going worng?
Kind regards,