Why not add a simple check box in the Jomsocial ADMIN side to turn on or off the What's On Your Mind section? How can I easily, with out recoding the site, turn off this unused, feature? Thanks Hayden
HaydenC Hi You can turn off this from JomSocial > http://prntscr.com/1115p7q Show Paragraph > NO. save it and check. There are also more options you can use in the same tab.
I have that off and the Say What's On Your Mind box is still there. As a matter of fact, when I went into this setting it was off. Not sure why it is still on. I will keep looking Hayden
HaydenC hi As per option it will hide only text not completely box. Each option work dedicated like hide image, hide login area.
So, I am back to my original question.
HOW DO YOU TURN OFF THE ENTIRE BOX that shows So, What's on you mind?
HaydenC Hi This is main function of JomSocial and not option to disable it as posting on social community will be by postbox only. It can be removed from the core layout files. Hiding the stream will also hide the below activity as you have no postbox you can not not post anything on site . Here is option to hide it postbox and activity : http://prntscr.com/1120qxq