On some pages with a table, when browser's window is small as for mobile device, part of table is out of the window. See screenshot.
How is it possible to display everything is on table ?
Thanks Carine
carine-k Hi Kindly check there is scroll bar at the bottom that will help you to see this content. as the table and content both can not fit in small size devices there is scrollbar show. http://prntscr.com/115au4p
Hi Pankaj,
So there's no way to fix that ?
carine-k Hi As you are using both content in same row, the fix is already present as scrollbar so full content can be seen. You should avoid using table in the articles as you have added too much table for normal text as well that not required.
OK I understand but how can I put texts in columns without table ?
carine-k Hi You can use Bootstrap classes Example : https://bootstrapdocs.com/v2.3.2/docs/examples/fluid.html In form of span 2, 4,6,8,10,12 Total span size in a row should not exceed 12.
Thanks Pankaj, I'll try this later. Carine
carine-k You are welcome!