I'm reviving a website that has been inactive for several years. I've maintained the site for the client, but DT Register was on version 4.2.6. I thought it would be a good idea to update to 4.2.8 before adding a new event.
Maybe that was a mistake. The event won't save.
Previously, I had resolved this by checking to see if I had an old DT Register event manager plugin installed in Community Builder, but that's not installed. Another problem had been a conflict with Gantry 4, but I updated the site to a Gantry 5 template years ago.
So I don't know what DT Register is conflicting with now. I thought I was running DT Register 4.2.8 on other sites, but I checked a few of them and they are still running 4.2.6 - and it's working.
So I don't know what new conflict 4.2.8 introduces - can I downgrade it back to 4.2.6?
Thank you,