There are some issues on your site now.
1 - The filter doesn't show the filter bar because it's not possible to save / index the filter on your site now.
2 - When saving the filter in backend, you could see this error: Unable to open cron url: Peer's Certificate has expired., right? There is problem with the SSL certificate on your site, it seems not good, you can contact your hosting provider for help. In the mean time, you can access backend of your site with HTTP protocol to save the filter: http://yoursite/administrator/index.php?option=com_jamegafilter
3 - VM on your site has a large number of products, in the filter settings, you set to load all products, it will have problem with the memory limit. If possible, you can set filters to load from specific sub-categories or increase the 'memory_limit' - a PHP settings in your server side to 500MB or above and try to save filter again.