I needed to lock the DT Register calendar view to show only month view.
So I updated the components\com_dtregister\templates\default\views\calendar\index.php (copying it inside the template to override) and removing some buttons from the toolbar, like for example:
<div id="showweekbtn" class="fbutton <?php echo $fcurrentweek; ?>">
<div><span title='Week' class="showweekview"><?php echo JText::_('DT_WEEK')?></span></div>
In addition, I woould need to remove from all the days numbers, the link to the single day visualization; for example the number 2 of the "APR 2 2021", if clicked it shows on the calendar the single day 2 of April.... it seemes that it s managed by javascript; is it possible to disable this behaviour? where do I have to update it?
A second question: as we have quite long event title, I would need to know how to cut them (for example keeping only the first 25 chars) on calendar view, inside the single day cell.
kind regards,