How do I sort the files list with desc dates? Can you please suggest an override?
Gospelnation Hi Can you send me the page on which you have this, Is this group discussion page or something else.
Sure. This is the bulletin view.
Gospelnation Hi Please check there is no feature with name bulletin in JS . Can you submit the URL of page only view can be from group like you shared.
Hi The full URL reads:
Gospelnation Hi I have share it to dev team member to see if there is possible option to change it. Our dev team member will update here if there is code change to sort this view.
Gospelnation Hi, You can use this patch. Override it to components\com_community\models\files.php
It works great, when I just put it in the actual folder: components\com_community\models\files.php
but not when I try to override in templates/socialize/html/com_community/model/files.php
Why is that?
Gospelnation Hi These are not layout files or override. This is core file and only be changed in the original place.
Gospelnation Hi, This fix will be shipped in next update. So you don't have to create override for it.