I've installed the latest release of the JA-Blockk quickstart, and was happy to see that there was a new, easier way to install the layout of your choice. However, when I completed the installation, I saw the message that there were no packages to select.

I retried the installation three times, with the same results, even though the previous release of this template worked just fine for me. What went wrong?

    Can you fix the super user login submitted in first post. So I can check it on your site.


      I just visited the site again and the NO PACKAGE error is gone. Whatever you did has fixed it. That takes care of the problem on just that site, but other sites where I have installed Blockk have the same No Package error.

      I also noticed that the latest download link for Blockk quickstart did not bring down the latest version of the template. I had to upgrade it after I installed quickstart.

        The no package issue is fixed by dev team on server side.
        Kindly re install the package on other site.
        The quickstart package contains the latest version of template 1.2.0

        The fix on the original site that I reported to you did start working, but now I have downloaded the latest quickstart of JA-Blockk and installed it on a second site, and I am continuing to get the NO PACKAGE error.

        Also, I did confirm that the template that is being installed from the latest quickstart does describe itself as version 1.2.0 on the TEMPLATES page, but when you log into the backend, you get an alert that you need to upgrade to the latest version of the JA-Blockk template.

        Something is still not right, so I am about to wipe out the files on the original site that I reported and reinstall JA Blockk. I expect that the NO PACKAGE error will return.

        Confirmed: When I wiped out the files on the original site and reinstalled the latest quickstart of JA Blockk, the NO PACKAGE error returned.

          Can you fix the super user login for staff. They are not working again for submitted site. . I will check it with dev team on this.
          I am not able to replicate this issue in new installation : http://prntscr.com/12sa90p
          All packages showing fine.

            Please check it now, It should work.
            There are some server restrictions on your site, We modified the package and it will work fine now.
            We also re exported the package, so you have to download the latest package from site for any new installation



              I checked the site and for the moment, it worked.

              I then deleted all of the files, downloaded the latest JA Blockk quickstart and installed it on the site, and the problem returned. Whatever fix is being done is only working for that one site, and only temporarily.

              Can you be more specific about the "server restrictions" that you mentioned?

                Apply the steps below :
                1. first step: click skip installation
                2. go to Joomla backend
                3. install plugin JA demo installer
                4. Enable plugin

                You will see the options, I attached the plugin for you below

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