How can I change font size and the font of the main menu? wich files exactly thanks
mossaab Hi Add this code in custom css file in template folder /css/custom.css
.navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a, .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > span { font-size: 17px;}
Change the font size as per needs.
Hello Ninja thank you for your reply, there's no such file i created it and past the code u sent and it doesn't work should i activate mega menu or not (i'm using ja company template with 2 languages Ltr & Rtl) any suggestions?
Ninja Also i tried to change the font with link from google and it changed well on the articles but not the menu and butons im confused in which files should i do the changes thank you
mossaab Hi. Kindly share the Url of site on which you added the code and not working.
PS: create a new topic for different topic questions. It also help our community.
http://syndicat-redal.ma/index.php/ar/ http://syndicat-redal.ma/index.php/fr/
mossaab Hi Kindly check the site is Offline http://prntscr.com/12tm3xf You can submit the frontend login via Edit fields options in first post.
it is online now
mossaab Hi Add a dot in the code : http://prntscr.com/12tn2mb It will work fine, or copy it from my previous post now.
added it still not working Ninja
thank you it's working now found syntax error in megamenu css file