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Joomla 5.2.3 Compatibility for JA Templates, Bug Fixes, and More

I have some problem on this fields who are not responsive. Ho can they adapt automatically width?

    Hi galamarco

    You can try this custom css:

    @media (max-width: 1200px){
    .ja-filter-wrapper .filter-content .chzn-container.chzn-container-multi,
    .ja-filter-wrapper .filter-content .chzn-container.chzn-container-single.chzn-container-single-nosearch {
        width: 100% !important;

    can I write this in your css file? If yes, where is JA Megafilter css file?

      galamarco It's better to put into custom css section of your Joomla template - I think Yootheme you're using support it. As if you put into css file of JA Megafilter, it will be lost when you update new version of this component in the future.

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