Have noticed a lot of these appearing in my error_log since I changed to this template and T4

[17-May-2021 07:25:03 UTC] PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/xxxxl/public_html/main/plugins/system/t4/src/t4/Helper/Joomla.php(12) : eval()'d code on line 201

Running php 7.3 here

    Can you Edit fields in first post and submit your site temp super user login and FTP details for staff
    Here : http://prntscr.com/1324hs9
    So i can check it on your site for debug and fix.


      We need your site FTP details to check and make some fix. Can you submit them via Edit fields option as well.


        Okay, done that now for you.

        Thanks for your help.

          Error: Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity
          Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

          Please check and submit FTP details including host, user name password ands port in ftp field.
          Also do not remove temp super user login.


          24 days later

          I thought I'd replied earlier advising I've done it... hostname is the domain name for ftp, standard port.

            Kindly check the submitted login is invalid.
            Share the super user login and FTP in separate sections as in edit fields.
            Also let me know the page on which you have the warning.
            This is just a warning with current PHP version once you upgrade it may auto gone .

            okay, done what you asked.

            There's only 3 lines available to put this info in to here.

              Site URL: submit site URL
              Site login: submit site super user login.
              FTP: submit only FTP info in this with host and login.

              ok, hopefully I've got the details in the format you requested this time.


                Thanks for login.
                Kindly update T4 and template to latest version and there will be no issue.


                thanks for your help, but I got this error when I went to update the template
                Failed to extract file: download.php_element_ja_blockk_version_1.2.0_type_template_coreVersion_j31

                the T4 update upgraded fine.

                  Kindly use JA Extension Manager component to update JA templates and extensions or directly install the latest version.
                  Do not forget to take backup of custom changes before update.

                  ok, just did that, and getting stacks of this error using jaextension manager

                  Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/loganvil/public_html/main/administrator/components/com_jaextmanager/lib/jaupdater/core/php5/json.php on line 161

                  I've just upgrade jaextension manager You have successfully upgraded from version 2.6.5 to version 2.6.6 at 15 Jun 2021, 03:23:15

                  upgrade ja_blockk template You have successfully upgraded from version 1.0.1 to version 1.2.0 at 15 Jun 2021, 03:21:17 but jaextension manager still says it is v1.01.

                  I'll refresh everything, and get back to you if it is still an issue.

                  Thanks for your time.

                    This is not error, its just warning from current version. update to latest version it work.
                    I checked your site as well to see and it looks fine now.

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