I want my menu to look like the quickstart. Here is the quick start: https://www.knoxttdot.com/marsha2/. I have an 'Our Day' custom in grid6 and a photo gallery in grid9. So that should be my two menu options. That 'big' Home module. I don't know why that there. This template is a challenge.
arimakidd Hi Its custom HTML module here are settings : http://prntscr.com/13hwjdp Advance options : http://prntscr.com/13hwk2g
Quote are from zenshortcode plugin : http://docs.joomlabamboo.com/zen-grid-framework-4/theme/shortcodes/icons
Ninja I have the same thing defined in the same grid6 and only the title of the module shows, "Our Day'. The "..Lorem ipsum .." does not show nor the short codes.
arimakidd Hi Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet. Kindly fix the login and make sure you have shortcode plugin enabled.
Ninja Username and password now fixed. Something strange was happening.
Ninja Shortcode plugin enabled and access fixed.