Hi! I noticed that after update T4 plugin 1.1.7 and T4_blank 1.1.2, my css-classes in modules dont work. In my case modules position is masthead row. Is it bug or did I miss something 😃?
Before update T4 1.1.6, tpl 1.1.1:
ndmn518 Please check the Module position style set to inherit in layout. Or you can set the Module style to xhtml from module advance option in same tab you posted screenshot.
Thank you Pankaj!
It's strange that everything worked fine without these options before the update.
ndmn518 Hi Can you update about the suggestion, So is it working now? The Section position are special built for style so it would not show all values. Set it as i shared and there will be no issue.
Yes its working now. Changed manually in layout options as you said.