Hi ludo974
You can customize the color of these elements easily by using Inspect Element editor in browser you're using.
Let me take this one as a sample: https://prnt.sc/1beo1op
Just right click on this element >> Inspect Element >> a panel will show up:
As you can see on the left side is HTML mockup - where the text is included in a span tag. On the right side, you will see how it's declined with css style:
.section-title span {
background: #E4F7FF;
border-radius: 4px;
color: #26B0EB;
display: inline-block;
padding: 8px 16px;
You want to change the background color and the text color so you will need to change 'background' and 'color' properties. To override these 2 properties, you can change to the color you wish and copy the code to 'custom.css' file on your site, for example:
.section-title span {
background: #7eaf22 !important; /*change the background color*/
color: #ffffff !important; /*change the text color*/
put into the file: /templates/ja_vital/css/custom.css (Create this file if it doesn't exist).
And do the same steps for other elements.