We have problems posting pic's and videos with uppercase endings like .JPG and .MOV after some update ago. I have tried to ad al typs of uppercase endings but still don't work.
Please help us.
Regards from Sweden
Lustkammaren Hi Kindly try it now.
Hi Pankaj,
i just tried a movie IMG_2272.MOV and it didn't work, I got this:
I tried .png .jpg and .PNG .JPG and they are working now.
Ragards Jonas
In to your Joomla site go to Content > Media. Click the "Options" button in the top-right corner.
Here, you'll be able to see the file extensions you can currently upload:
Make sure you have both lower case and uppercase versions in the same line.
Hi Mikeymike,
I must be stupid but I don't get it.
I have tried to ad .MOV and .mov and it still don't work. The only film that works is .mp4 but not MP4.
Please give me some more advice.
Regards Jonas
Lustkammaren Hi Please do a try now If not work, kindly attached the sample file.
Still the same problem.
I made a test video with my iPhone and the file typ is not allowed.
Like before only films with endings .mp4 works.
I can't send the film here, it's bigger then 2048 kb.
Lustkammaren Hi. Our dev will check it today and get back to you.
Hi, You can use this package https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kp5EoDZRz91RaVvnoSQOZspjRS8dbcLj/view?usp=sharing
Remember to backup first and clear browser cache.
Then open Configuration > Video to add your video types.
Hi Manhta,
Thanks, now it seams to work.
Lustkammaren Thanks for confirmation. We will add the fix in core for future updates.