The blue Load More button at the end of the homepage is not working. I can see on console that the call to the JQuery is returning a 500 error.
It was working before updating to the latest version.
rsangion Hi Can you increase the max upload size limit as it not allow to install JomSocial : http://prntscr.com/1mmy905
Done! now it's 20MB
rsangion Hi I raised the support request with dev team member on this for further checking and fix.
rsangion Hi Kindly check with your host as the site is showing down : http://prntscr.com/1nom3sv
I was updating a few things on the server and had some issues. it's now back to normal
rsangion Hi, You can turn off plugin JReviews - JomSocial Activity Stream, and the activity stream will work. I'm not familiar with JReviews so you should contact them to fix this.
JReviews - JomSocial Activity Stream