How can I make it so that name shows up as Display Name, in registration and everywhere else? I dont want to require users to put int their real name.
singularity42 Can you give me example? Naame user name these field are Joomla core user field and must required in registration.
Ninja Ive found numerous posts in the past that show how to make it so that username and name are the same. Then how to hide username from the registration page.
Just like in the above posts, I dont want to require a Name as part of registration. My site has no requirements for real name.
singularity42 Hi In all the post there is already suggestions give to edit the core registration file Example : You can apply the code changes and check.
Ninja Those posts are 3-7 years old. The files referenced, no longer exist.
singularity42 Hi The files are still same /components/com_community/templates/jomsocial/layouts/register/base.php