unfortunately our homepage has stopped working properly. Suddenly the whole layout of the page fell apart and its individual elements do not even load the CSS code. I don't know what could have happened ... Please help.
webkon2019 Hi Your site is using JA Eventcamp template and need an active membership to get support and updates. I can not see any active template membership on your account. Kindly subscribe for the plan so i can assist you better.
Did you by chance update to the latest Joomla 3.10.1?
Curious, because after this update I know have two websites having problems with CSS and Menu components not displaying properly.
Thanks for the quick reply, Brian
i bought a license JA Pro. I am asking for help again.
webkon2019 Can you edit field in first post and submit a temp super user login so I can check the template and Joomla version on your site. If you updated Joomla or customized template files there is can be issue. Use Latest version of template and let ke a screenshot of issue part you are getting error.
Ninja Can you edit field in first post and submit a temp super user login so I can check the template and Joomla version on your site. If you updated Joomla or customized template files there is can be issue. Use Latest version of template and let ke a screenshot of issue part you are getting error.
Can you update the template and ACM module first?
Im edit site admin account field. Check login and password.
I've updated the site and the site is still down. I will add that the template on the subpages works fine. It's not just the home page.
webkon2019 Hi The site is not down. It is offline mode. Kindly clear cache and check again.
the home page is still not loading properly. See what it looks like in the appendix. This is not the cache fault.
webkon2019 Hi Kindly clear cache and check :http://prntscr.com/1quda7w
The website is now displayed better in Google Chrome and IE browsers, I still have errors in Firefox. Each time I clean my cache thoroughly from the very beginning and the result is the same.
The situation was the same for several computers. So this time, please check the website under all browsers.
webkon2019 Hi It is showing normal : http://prntscr.com/1qv827n It would not be back as i saved it in file file "/acm/slideshow/css/style.css" in template "ja_eventcamp". You can copy this file and paste it as below path file "local/acm/slideshow/css/style.css" in template "ja_eventcamp".
Hi, I implement yours solution, it's better now, but still not a perfect. In Firefox I see other problems with CSS now. I recorded you a video, check the attachment.
webkon2019 I implement yours solution, After checking it deeply the issue is server not loading the style file, it can be due to disk space is full. Can you raise the issue to hosting here http://mdkkonin.pl//templates/ja_eventcamp/css/acm.css http://prntscr.com/1qx7m4i
This is why the css not loading on your site as its refused by server. For the time i added it manually. And it will work for all browsers.
Ninja Update: We fixed the loading issue and it will be added in next update. You can see the working of your site in FF as well.