Hello. How do I change the background of the submenus? They appear white when I mouse over it.
Hi manu2020
You can use this custom CSS:
.dropdown-menu { background-color: #4268b3 !important; }
and change to your desired color.
Where do I execute these changes? In Editing file "/css/custom.css" in template "ja_space".?
manu2020 Yes, you can simply add above css code into that 'custom.css' file in template.
Then edit the color as you wish.
It doesn´t work for me@saguaros#160424
There is wrong markup in your custom css, you need to have the closing tag: } of the code above the dropdown menu
still doesn´t work
manu2020 You can share the super admin credentials of your site, I will check for you.
How can I give you my private credentials?
manu2020 You can edit Fields in your first post so only Moderators can see
i did it
Hi So, Could you do something ?
manu2020 Thanks for the info but I can't access backend of your site now:
You don't have permission to access this resource.
With the credentials I gave you, can't you enter the backend?
manu2020 I can't even access the login screen. When I tried to enter: .../administrator but threw this message:
Forbidden You don't have permission to access this resource.