Can you please check this error 1062?.
We have in Virtuemart categories many Categories with same name "Others".But it was also before also in past.It is not new situation.Only now start showing this error.
Our admin tel us this:
Error 1062Duplicate entry says that the column in the database named SLUG must be unique (that is, if there are two equal boys in the DB, it is not possible to write to the D😎.
SLUG is actually a Sef Alias that is used to generate URLs.
SLUG is generated from the category name. If the name of the category is unique, everything is fine. But if X is a category with the same name (for example, Others) problems can already arise.
The second possibility is that although there is a database table with data for the SK version (the names of the categories are in it in English), but since the other website is in GB, there is no GB of language variants. And in the VirtueMart administration, this category will look like:
"Translation missing for virtuemart_category_id 442".
Can you check this situation also from your side ?
Thnx for support