Hi martin4307
I checked your site and your expectation. Here is what I understand, please correct me if I am wrong.
1. Your current website layout :
You are using 3 columns layout, the main content width is: 1140px
- Sidebar left (position name: sidebar-1) - 262.5px
- Mainbody - 555px
- Sidebar right (position name: sidebar-2) - 262.5px
2. Your expectation:
You want to subtract 125px from sidebar-2 position to the mainbody, this means, the new layout structure will be as below:
- Sidebar left (position name: sidebar-1) - 262.5-125=137.5px
- Mainbody - 555+125=680px
- Sidebar right (position name: sidebar-2) - 262.5px (Same)
3. The instruction to do this:
We implemented the updates in the following file: templates/socialize/tpls/blocks/mainbody/two-sidebar.php.
The old file is two-sidebar-old.php, you can rename the 2 files if you want to switch to the old layout structure.
The new site structure is as the screenshot below:
4. Note:
The new layout size is not 100% match the size you want, but I think it would meet your expectation.
- The sidebar-2 width in the new layout is 165px.
The reason is, the template us Bootstrap responsive grid system of 12, the sidebar-2 width is changed from 3 to 2/12. Mainboday is changed from 6 to 7.
In case you want the exactly layout structure, we will need to use some custom css rules. But using the custom css rules, we will need to update for responsive layouts as well. But your call on this.
P/S: About your question for the adjustment in the template back-end, it applies to some positions, not all, you can still find it from your template settings > Layout > Responsive layout