Hi The Image Show GK4 on this web site, front page, is not showing anymore. It is there published but blanked. need some help. please
pascald191 Hi Can you check the version of the module is latest : https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/gavick/joomla-extensions/imageshow Also if the module is working with default Joomla templates?
pascald191 Hi In slide style you are using GK creativity but you do not have this template. I changed it to default and its working back ; http://prntscr.com/1rnu00h
Hi Pankaj Yes i did update the Imageshow to the latest version and Joomla also. How would I see if the module work with defaut Joomla template?
pascald191 You can set the default Joomla template to Protostar and publish the module on position-7 for example that is in th protostar, check if frontend show it.
Also edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login for staff.
I did looked with a different template and I had the same result. How do I send private administrator login info for the back end?
pascald191 I did looked with a different template and I had the same result.
Check with default Joomla template Protostar edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login for staff. http://prntscr.com/1rl9s6t
Done, I included the super user user and password.Ninja
Thank you very much Ninja