Good morning and hope your team is well!

I have a client who prefers one page websites and appreciates the value of not having too bounce around. Do you have a Joomla 4 version of your Onepage template and or is something else in the works new or otherwise?

Few months ago, you released an Everything Template (can't remember the name), but I would love too know what options you have past and future wise for those of who need one page Joomla interfaces?

Thanks as always, Sorli...

Presently using Wix and I could use some help templates wise migrating his content too something better!

Hi Sorli,

JA Onepage is pretty old template and it will be not upgraded to Joomla 4, unfortunately.

Bummer...does Joomlart have plans for anything new Onepage wise?

Shape5 and GavickPro may have something, but hard to find one page templates and may have to move to another template provider for this project.

Thanks anyways, Sorli...

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