Hello, I have a 3-level menu, but in the mobile version it only shows up to the second level and I cannot click on the final options of the third level. What I can do?
menu the mobile version it only shows up to the second level
In new version of T4 framework, we improved the style for off-canvas menu, could you take a backup of your site and update latest version for template and T4 framework?
Remember to backup first.
Where can I download the update from?
I need you to tell me how to perform the update to solve the problem. Thanks
josemiguel-aswebmurcia-com With our products, we recommend to use our JA Extensions manager component - a free extension to update.
You can download this component in template download section: https://www.joomlart.com/member/downloads/joomlart/joomla-templates/ja-beauty
Here are steps to update: https://www.joomlart.com/update-steps Check section 2: Using JA Extension Manager component
Hello Thanks for answering. I have updated everything, but it only displays the third level if you click on the little arrow on the right, if you click on the text it closes the entire level. It is an error because the second level if you display it by clicking on the text. How can I solve it?
josemiguel-aswebmurcia-com Could you share the super admin account of your site so I can take a look?
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Hi josemiguel-aswebmurcia-com When I click the arrow, the next level displays correctly, could you check again?