Having issues with the academy template since migrating to the Joomla 4.0 from 3.10.2
Initial Issue was LESS Parser (https://www.joomlart.com/forums/d/37438-issue-with-less-parser-after-upgrade-to-joomla-4) was able to resolve by resetting the template confiugration.
Having the following issues: 1) ImageShow GK4 not showing images 2) Menu is not showing drop down as it was previously.
I have updated and installed all components/plugins/modules. I have reinstalled the template and removed and re-installed the template
Hi sdavis821
Could you backup your site and install this latest version of GK Academy template?
Remember to backup your site first.
Sent a private message - but after installing the updated template did not fix the issues.
@saguaros the template did not resolve the issue. I shared credentials so that you could login using the private chat versus making a username/password in the open forum (after all the site is for the PA Cybersecurity Association).
It due to the cache issue. It's showing now.
P/s: I tried to refresh your site but it noticed this message:
You are a spammer, hacker or an otherwise bad person.