I am going to use the JA Educatsy template with Joomla 4 and the description with the template says it is suitable for Guru Pro.
Question: Is Guru Pro compatible with Joomla 4?
bowlschat Hi Current version of Guru is not ready for the Joomla 4, it is under plan for Joomla 4 updates. The team is working on finishing JomSocial for Joomal 4 possibly in next month Guru will be out for Joomla 4.
Thank you for the information Pankaj, if i install the current version of Guru Pro on JA Educatsy with Joomla 4 will all of Guru 4 not work, or just a few parts that need to be updated?
Will it cause a problem with the website?
Hi bowlschat Since the Guru Pro is not ready for Joomla 4 i do not suggest you for use it and wait for its update. It may not work as it is for Joomla 3 only.
Thank you for the information Pankaj, appreciated.