Hello! I can not update. When upgraded stops at paragraph 3 "Updating theme". Help me please.
Kristina1982 Hi May i know the last version of JomSocial installed on your site? Also edit fields in first post and submit a temp super user login for staff : http://prntscr.com/1swbfce
Ninja 4.7.5.
Kristina1982 Hi. Kindly try again as it showing the same version here and new version is not installed yet.
Ninja Hi. This is the problem: I can not install new version.
Kristina1982 Kindly upgrade PHP version to PHP 7.3 or later. Let me know once done.
Ninja upgraded PHP version to PHP 7.3
Kristina1982 You can check your site has Jomsocial latest version
Ninja Yes,Jomsocial has latest version. Thanks! But joomla_lms not working now)))
Kristina1982 You need to check with Joomla lms support if it is not compatible with new PHP and Joomla. Jomsocial you must need 7.1 or 7.4 to use Aws.
Ninja Joomla lms is not compatible with new PHP : need to update Ioncube loader
Ninja Thank you very much! Joomla lms solved the problem!
Kristina1982 You are welcome!