Hey folks,
I've found a strange issue with ZenTools2 (2.4.8) that's been running a-ok on a site. It's stopped showing Custom Fields that had been configured just fine.
In the module config the Item Layout is unchanged, however on the front end Custom Fields have stopped showing.
Here's a link to show when it was working - shorturl.at/oyQWY - the custom field shows the Date and the Info Sheet number below the title eg October 2019 - Info Sheet 1
Here's the current link, nothing has been changed in the ZenTools2 config, see - shorturl.at/vFNOS
Of course I've applied the most recent Joomla updates and I imagine there have been minor PHP changes too.
Appreciate any help you can offer. Of course it would be really nice to have ZenTools2 updated for 3.10.2 and PHP8 - #justsaying ;-)