The first page on colors works, but the 'elements colors' tab is blank, and so are the other tab pages there. This is strange because on the other Joomla 4 Templates, it works fine. But on JA Helple, it has tis problem?
aldenbaker Hi /administrator/components/com_community/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css Open this file and place this code at the end of file
#js-cpanel .tab-content>.active, #js-cpanel .pill-content>.active { opacity: 1; }
let me know if it works.
aldenbaker Hi, You can use this package. Remember backup your site first. The package include latest fixes.
That fix worked nicely! Thank you. However, the new problem is that clicking on the member profile on the menu bar takes me to 'edit profile' page. Even when I click on the profile picture from the jomsocial front page, it takes me to the 'edit profile' page. This also happens when clicking on the 'polls' menu item. pankaj#165023
This command is not supported in the prepared statement protocol yet
is an error recieved after trying to create an Event.
aldenbaker Hi SOrry i did not understand the last issue with Designer color changes? have you check the solution about the save issue in color with fix. The theme designer does not showing frontend view. If it is different topic i suggest you to open a new thread with that specific subject and issue details. so I can check that as well. Do not merger new topics in already going on topic.
Having the same problem ja_blokk, for joomla4. the above fix doesnt work.
aldenbaker Hi Kindly edit fields in first post and submit the temp super user login If your issue is different not theme designer i suggest you to make a separate post for the topic and submit complete details there.
Current login is invalid.
ok. thank you. i think I fixed it.Ninja
aldenbaker Hi Login is invalid kindly fix the login if theme tabs still not showing
aldenbaker Hi The login is not working and the site is on Joomla 4 please check and submit it only in Edit fields options not public posts.
aldenbaker Update : I got working login from your other thread for this site. And the ThemeDesigner is showing fine
Thank You. I had to put my new site up because php 7.4 was throwing errors. I updated my host to php 8.0. Sorry for the confusion. Ninja