I have only created 30 pages and now I get an Error message but the setting are set at 300? Please help
mfmediamarketing Kindly share the temp super user login for staff as i tried older login and its not working I will check the limits option with a new normal user.
Super user and user restored
mfmediamarketing Hi Kindly submit the super user login in edit fields on which account you are getting this error. here : http://prntscr.com/1ypdr20
Your first image shows that the Group limit has been reached. Are you sure you aren't getting your Page and Group settings confused?
It has been updated. Thanks
mfmediamarketing Hi I just added a page and there is no issue : https://gamrshub.com/index.php/pages/viewpage/34-test I saw daily limit is 30 http://prntscr.com/1ypj7hn So if you crossed that you can add page next day or change this limit from backend.
Thank you. Didnt even think to check Daily Limits for an Admin user!
mfmediamarketing You are welcome!