Hello, how can i have the appearance of results of filter as the appearance of products of my template? I use mixstore template. My point is that it will be good to not have custom layout
Hi ribo
Could you share screenshot of how you want to achieve? And share the login info of your site so I can take a look.
Hi, i want it to appear like the layout of my template saguaros
I dont want it to appear with the layout of the extension. In this screen there are with layout2 in menu item. With default layout in menu item appears only the cart, nothing more saguaros
I updated the menu item settings for result page in EN: /en/results/
Then Index the filter in JA Mega Filter component.
Could you check?
I see. I have 3 questions. 1. How can i have in Elements "Availability" and "SKU"? 2. If you try to search with ja megafilter for example "Antiallergic" category you will see the first product its thumbnail it make it too big. And if you will go in the "Antiallergic" category from virtuemart category directly you will see that this thumbnail is not appear too big. Also the same thumbnail if you will see it in ja megalfilter in list result layout and not grid result layout is not appear too big. 3. Is there any way in menu items of ja megafilter to can have also an option "None" in "Custom Layout" and with this to show in ja megafilter the layout of template? saguaros
Like any other Joomla component, JA Mega Filter has its own layout and if you want to customize layout, you should override layout in template, it's default behavior in Joomla.
You can check out this guide for how to override layout for JA Mega Filter: https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-component/ja-megafilter#override-layout