Can the limits for Albums & Videos be increased above 10?
mfmediamarketing Hi Sorry there is no more limits. I will check this on dev team and update you if there tweaks to increase them.
Please let me know what they say or if it is something they could be changed with custom code escalation ticket
mfmediamarketing Hi The ticket is already shared with concern team as its customization requests it take time to dev team to check and in the queue. Kindly wait our team will update if there is tweak option found for this option.
mfmediamarketing Hi, Those settings are stand for number items can display on sidebar. Though you don't need to change it.
So it is unlimited for the amount of videos and photos they can upload but only 10 will show in this area correct?
mfmediamarketing Yes the upload limit will follow the global setting for upload. This will show the recent uploaded item limit in the page as shared in screenshot.