On my site on the registration if you use the dropdown menu for gender its white font on white dropdown you dont see the font how can i change the bg color or the font color in the gender dropdown?
photofloh32 Hi The light color after select is from the Joomla template you are using on dropdown it is fine http://prntscr.com/1ytxczh from file /templates/rt_oculus/css-compiled/master-7dc7ecba91a74562cd7358af263411d7.css To force the select color in joms to black use this code in custom css of your template
.joms-select { color: #2c3e50!important; }
Ninja /templates/rt_oculus/css-compiled/master-7dc7ecba91a74562cd7358af263411d7.css To force the select color in joms to black use this code in custom css of your template .joms-select { color: #2c3e50!important; }
Ninja /templates/rt_oculus/css-compiled/master-7dc7ecba91a74562cd7358af263411d7.css To force the select color in joms to black use this code in custom css of your template
Kindly apply above suggestion the color is override by your Joomla template so u can use the code i shared to force black color for select option
i mean this