We use a Joomla 4 website with 5-10 registered users who all work on the same project. We need a reliable collaboration solution where messages are not lost or overlooked, with reliable email notification and review of recently posted unseen comments.
We like the thought of IntenseDebate. Is it still available and supported? I cannot find any information on IntenseDebate subscription costs. What are they, or is it free?
Also, is the following is achievable with JP Disqus using Intense debate.
All new registered users are automatically subscribed to email notifications to ALL new comments AND replies to ALL AND ONLY the categories that they have permission to view. If permissions change to category, users subscriptions also change accordingly.
Email notifications are sent out immediately after a new comment is posted. Cron remains an option.
If someone unsubscribes to any comments an email notification is automatically sent to Admin, who then has ability to reinstate the subscription.
It is of course my responsibility to ensure that I comply with GDPR and my users are aware of and agree to the above before they register. Again, there are very few users per site so there is no danger for the server to be overloaded. There is only one domain.
Many thanks for your advice